Remote Order Entry (ROE)
Why offer an ROE that was designed prior to digital lenses?
All other LMS ROE’s are electronic faxes that allow almost any order to be sent to the lab.
LenSync offers the best user experience and empowers the office by giving them access to any information available to the lab. The ROE is what the Eye Care Professional (ECP) sees and uses everyday to interact with the lab; make sure you give the ECP a reason to use your lab. LenSync ROE guarantees proper orders come into the system; once a job is saved, all stations in the lab can use a bar-code to get all the information necessary. This includes finishing on any edger without a need for special instructions. This is the only system in the optical industry that ensures the orders can be processed and should be ordered; you have the ability to stop bad orders at the time of entry and not the next day with a call back from customer service.
The Remote Order Entry is made up of 8 main components:
RX Orders
Bulk Orders
Frame Orders
Shopping Basket
Order Status
Thickness Settings